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Request for Dining Accommodations

This document is available for download in PDF format. These downloadable versions contain forms for you to fill out and submit. If you are unable to fill out these forms due to your disability, please contact us.

Request for Dining Accommodations (PDF)

Montclair State University is committed to full inclusion of students with disabilities into every aspect of university life.  Participating in the residential dining program is one of the fundamental aspects of community development in a living/learning environment. Students living in traditional housing at Montclair State University must sign up for a meal plan.   It is a part of your housing license. Students with food allergies or other conditions that limit what they can and cannot eat will be accommodated to the fullest extent possible in our dining halls.

Waiver of university meal plans are very rare, and only will be considered on a case by case basis if Dining Services cannot provide the student with alternative meals which would be both nutritious and safe.  All students must request accommodations first.  If Dining Services feels no accommodation is possible, only then would a meal plan waiver or reduction be considered.  Accommodations that can be provided by a change of housing assignment for eligible students will be offered as the first option pending availability.

Please note that this policy only applies to students whose food allergies or medical condition are diagnosed and documented. This policy does not apply to students with specific food preferences based on lifestyle choices, ex. vegans or vegetarians. A variety of options are available in the dining halls for those who choose to eliminate certain foods from their diet.

In order to request dining accommodations, the student must:

  • Complete Form 1 from the printable versions linked above.
  • Have a clinician complete Form 2 from the printable versions linked above.  This form must be submitted by an appropriate medical professional who is not related to the student.
  • Register with the Disability Resource Center and work jointly with the DRC and Dining Services to arrange appropriate dietary accommodations.  A food modification plan will be completed and implemented based upon the recommendation of your medical provider.
  • Submit all documentation to the Disability Resource Center in Cole Hall 331.  Forms may be faxed to 973-655-5308 or emailed to

All requests will be considered by representatives from Dining Services and The Disability Resource Center.  Please allow 10 business days before a final decision is reached.  You will be notified via email regarding how to proceed with your accommodated meal program.

Students seeking to appeal the decision must do so in writing to Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Yolanda Alvarez within two business days of receiving the decision. Dr. Alvarez is the University’s Section 504 Compliance Officer.  Requests for appeals will only be considered if there is new information that was not considered or if the procedures for the review of your request were not followed.